Manual Scheduling How Scheduling Works Every pod has a field called nodeName that is blank by default
The scheduler looks through all pods and searches for pods without this field set
Those pods are candidates for being scheduled
It then assigns the pod to the node based on the scheduling algorithm
It then assigns the node by setting the value to the nodeName field
Nodes can be assigned statically in the definition file as well
Cluster Architecture Control Plane Master Node: Manage, Plan, Schedule, and Monitor Nodes
ETCD Cluster: Highly available key/value database
kube-scheduler: Identifies the right node to place a container on
Node-Controller: Manages nodes
Replication-Controller: Ensures desired number of containers are running in a replication group
kube-apiserver: Orchestrates all operations within the cluster and exposes the API\
Workers Worker Nodes: Host applications as Containers
A container runtime engine, like Docker, must be installed and available on all nodes